IPL Skin

We Provide IPL Skin & Hair Removal in Albion Park

What is IPL?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) skin treatments use a powerful, short-duration burst of light to treat sun damage, age spots, rosacea and other skin conditions. During treatment, the IPL device emits a spectrum of visible light that is filtered to target certain areas of pigmentation or redness. This light penetrates the top layers of skin to reduce inflammation and stimulate collagen production for anti-aging benefits. At Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix, we provide IPL treatments at our Albion Park clinic.

To improve the chances of getting the best results from IPL, we recommend arranging three to six treatments around four weeks apart. We provide IPL treatments for both men and women at our clinic.

Contact Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix today on 0401 124 241 to book an appointment. We also provide laser skin rejuvenation, skin needling, anti-wrinkle treatments and a variety of other treatments. 

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Our Light Treatments & Pricing

Anti-Aging LED Treatments ($89)

Promote anti-aging with regular LED treatment's, improve collagen production, acne skin, pigmentation and reduce fine lines.

Lumixa Fluorescent Light Treatment ($299)

Stimulate your skin with the entire light spectrum including blue/green, yellow/red. This treatment can also promote cellular regeneration, strengthen the skin barrier, add a natural glow to skin and reduce inflammation. It is available for all skin types.

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IPL Hair Reduction

In addition to correcting skin issues, IPL can remove hair on targeted parts of the body. The purpose-designed light is absorbed by pigments in the hair, which restricts the growth of hair follicles. Although IPL entails a longer treatment time compared to other laser hair removal treatments, the result is often permanent. 

The IPL hair removal process works by targeting the melanin pigment in your hair. The laser heats the hair up, causing damage to the follicles. After this, the hair will appear to grow (though very slowly) for two to four weeks. After this, it should fall out.

If you’d like to find out more about our IPL hair removal services, reach out to our friendly team today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the potential benefits of IPL skin treatments?

    For people dealing with skin issues like acne, rosacea and hyperpigmentation, IPL can help reduce the appearance of these areas over time. Additionally, this type of treatment can improve tone and texture as well as minimise wrinkles, fine lines and sun damage. It can also diminish age spots, reduce redness in the skin and decrease pore size. Finally, since it is a gentle procedure that does not require any downtime or anaesthesia, it is perfect for those seeking a quick fix to their skin problems without worrying about recovery time.

  • Do I need to prepare my skin for an IPL treatment?

    It’s important to prepare your skin before undergoing an IPL treatment. Before the treatment, it’s recommended you avoid sun exposure, tanning beds and self-tanners as these can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. You should also refrain from using any prescription retinoids or other strong exfoliators for one month prior to treatment. Additionally, if you currently have active acne or a cold sore on the area being treated, you should wait until it has cleared up before proceeding with the IPL session. It is best to consult with your aesthetician about prepping your skin for a successful IPL experience. They may recommend using certain products or suggest alternative treatments as well.

  • What can IPL help to remove from the skin?

    IPL treatments can help to reduce the appearance of sun damage, age spots, acne scars, dark patches and other blemishes. It is also effective at reducing redness in the skin caused by rosacea or other conditions. IPL can help improve the overall texture of the skin and stimulate collagen production for a smoother, younger-looking complexion. Finally, IPL treatments are often used for permanent hair removal due to its ability to target darker pigments like those found in hair follicles.

Find Out More
  • Scar From Acne And Dark Spots Skin On Face — Jina Robinson Skin-Cos-Medix In Albion Park NSW

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