Chemical Skin Peels

Book A Chemical Skin Peel in Albion Park

Helping to Reveal Healthy, Vibrant Skin

Chemical skin peels, also known as chemical exfoliation, are a type of non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses various types of acids and enzymes to remove the top layer of dead or damaged skin cells to reveal smoother, younger looking skin underneath. At Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix in Albion Park, we provide chemical skin peels for both men and women.

The different types of chemical peels are categorised by their strength. Milder treatments are more suitable for those with sensitive skin, while stronger treatments are better to treat more severe cases of acne scarring or age spots. The results of a light peel will last one or two months while a medium peel will last two to six months. We also offer medical-grade peels for pigmentation, fine lines and pore size reduction.

If you’d like to find out more about our skin peel treatments, reach out to us today on 0401 124 241. We also offer micro/hydrodermabrasion, IPL treatments, laser skin rejuvenation and much more.

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Potential Benefits of Skin Peels

Chemical skin peels can:

  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines 
  • Improve skin texture & tone 
  • Diminish acne scars & other blemishes 
  • Decrease sun damage, age spots & freckles 
  • Lighten dark patches of skin caused by melasma or hyperpigmentation 
  • Enhance the absorption of skincare products into the skin for greater effectiveness 
  • Stimulate collagen production to help keep skin looking youthful and healthy 
  • Be beneficial in treating precancerous lesions on the face or body when used with other medical treatments such as cryotherapy or laser therapy
  • Improve overall skin health & radiance
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The Chemical Skin Peel Process

A chemical skin peel treatment entails the following steps:

1. Consultation: Before undergoing a chemical skin peel, you will need to consult with your dermal therapist to determine the type of peel that is right for you and to discuss any potential risks or side effects.

2. Preparation: Your face may be prepped prior to the procedure by thoroughly cleansing it with a mild cleanser, opening up pores with steam and applying an aesthetic cream.

3. Application of Peel: The peel is applied directly to the surface of your face in thin layers and left on the skin for several minutes depending on its strength before being wiped off with a damp cloth.

4. Neutralisation: A neutralising solution is applied to the area after the peel is removed in order to stop any further chemical activity.

5. Aftercare: Aftercare instructions may include avoiding sun exposure, using moisturisers and/or special creams as well as wearing sunscreen whenever outdoors. Your dermal therapist will also advise you on when it is safe to resume activities such as exercising or swimming.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do the results of a chemical skin peel last?

    The results of a chemical skin peel can last anywhere from two to six months depending on the type and strength of the peel. Deeper peels such as TCA or phenol peels may require maintenance treatments every few months to ensure the desired results are maintained. Superficial peels like glycolic acid or lactic acid typically do not need follow up treatments, but instead may be done more frequently (every four to six weeks) for maximum benefit. It is important to discuss your treatment plan with your dermal therapist so you know what kind of results to expect.

  • Are chemical skin peels painless?

    The answer to this question depends on what type of chemical skin peel you're getting. Milder peels such as glycolic acid or lactic acid peels are often considered painless and can be done in a matter of minutes. However, stronger chemical peels like TCA or phenol peels may cause some discomfort depending on the depth of the peel and your individual sensitivity levels. Generally speaking, most people find these treatments tolerable with minimal discomfort.

  • How do chemical skin peels improve skin rejuvenation?

    Chemical skin peels are a form of exfoliation used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. By removing dead cells from the surface, chemical skin peels can help reduce wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and acne scars. Chemical peels also promote collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in improved elasticity. This treatment can also restore an even tone to problematic areas on the face and body. 

Find Out More
  • Close Up Of Woman Having Face Peeling Procedure — Jina Robinson Skin-Cos-Medix In Albion Park NSW

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