We Offer PRP in Albion Park

Supporting the Rejuvenation Process

At Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix in Albion Park, we administer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments. The process entails withdrawing blood, separating a portion of plasma that is rich in platelets, then injecting it back into the body. PRP contains growth factors which are essential to accelerate healing and restore tissue. It can promote skin and hair rejuvenation, as well as plump out hollow areas.

PRP treatments typically take around an hour to complete. The healing process generally takes anywhere between two to four weeks. Our friendly, compassionate staff will assess your condition and recommend whether PRP is the right approach for you.

Contact Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix in Albion Park to book an appointment today on 0401 124 241. We also provide IPL skin treatments, micro/hydrodermabrasion, chemical skin peels and much more.

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Potential Benefits of PRP Treatments

PRP treatments can help to:

  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Achieve smoother, firmer looking skin
  • Smooth out surgical scarring 
  • Enhance brightness and radiance of complexion 
  • Improve skin hydration for a dewy finish 
  • Increase collagen production for more elasticity 
  • Diminish the appearance of dark spots, sun damage & scars 
  • Boost circulation in the face to reduce puffiness and contour the face

If you have any further questions about our PRP treatments, drop us a line today.

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How PRP Can Revitalise Your Skin

PRP treatments can help revitalise your skin by promoting collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and improving skin texture. The process involves drawing a small amount of blood from your arm and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other components.

The concentrated platelet-rich plasma is then injected back into specific areas of the body to stimulate new cell growth and collagen production. This can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging while also helping improve overall skin tone and texture. PRP treatments are an increasingly popular choice for those looking to achieve more youthful-looking skin without resorting to invasive surgical procedures.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I prepare for a PRP treatment?

    The best way to prepare for a PRP treatment is to discuss your medical history and any current medications with an external doctor. You should inform them if you have ever had a reaction to local anaesthetic or other injections. In some cases, prior testing such as blood work may be required. In addition, you should avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medications including aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen in the week before your appointment as they can interfere with the effectiveness of PRP treatments. Alcohol consumption should also be avoided at least 24 hours before your appointment as this can lead to increased bleeding during the procedure. 

  • What should I do after a PRP treatment?

    After your PRP treatment, it is important to follow post-treatment instructions given to you by your practitioner. This may include getting plenty of rest and applying ice packs to the treated areas. You should also avoid any strenuous physical activity for a few days following your treatment and make sure not to take hot showers or baths as this could reduce the effectiveness of the plasma. Additionally, if you are taking pain medications, it is essential you do not exceed the recommended dose.

  • Can PRP treatments remove hair?

    In short, yes. PRP treatments can be used to help stimulate hair growth and reverse the effects of male pattern baldness or alopecia by delivering PRP directly into the scalp. The concentrated platelets within PRP contain growth factors that can stimulate stem cell activity to result in increased blood flow, thickening of existing strands and eventually new hair production. There are a lot of studies that have proven its effectiveness for stimulating hair regeneration, with some reporting up to a 50% increase in hair count after just 6 months. While it is not a permanent solution for balding, it can help slow down the progression of hair loss and make your hair look fuller and healthier over time.

Find Out More
  • Woman Receives Platelet Rich Plasma Face Injection For-Reduction Of Skin Wrinkles — Jina Robinson Skin-Cos-Medix In Albion Park NSW

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