PDO Threads

We Inject PDO Threads in Albion Park

Helping to Remediate Sagging

At Jina Robinson Skin Cos-Medix in Albion Park, we offer polydioxanone (PDO) thread treatments. This can serve as a cost-effective and faster alternative to facelift surgery. It is used to address a range of areas including the cheeks, jaw, neck and areas around the eyes.

The procedure involves inserting PDO threads into the skin using a needle or cannula. It can provide an immediate lifting effect by stimulating collagen production in the injection area, resulting in long-lasting results. PDO thread treatments are popular for areas such as cheeks, eyebrows, around the mouth and on the neck. Results typically last between six months to two years depending on how quickly your body metabolises the PDO threads.

If you have any questions about the PDO thread treatment, contact our team today on 0401 124 241. We also provide dermal fillers, skin needling, PRP treatments and more.

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Potential Benefits of PDO Thread Treatments

Here are some reasons you may consider opting for a PDO thread treatment:

1. Minimal Discomfort: PDO thread treatments are minimally invasive and cause minimal discomfort during and after the procedure. 
2. Quick Treatment Time:
The overall procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete, making it a great choice for those who have limited time for aesthetic treatments. 
3. Natural-Looking Results:
By lifting sagging skin and stimulating collagen production, PDO thread treatments can provide subtle yet noticeable results that look natural and not overdone or artificial. 
4. Long-Lasting Results:
Depending on the type of threads used, results can last up to 18 months with proper maintenance.
5. Versatility:
PDO thread treatments can be used to target various areas of the face such as the forehead, cheeks, chin and jawline for a more contoured look. It can also be used on other parts of the body like neck and arms to reduce sagging skin in those areas. 
6. Safe Procedure:
PDO threads are composed of absorbable materials that have been widely used in medical procedures for many years with no significant adverse reactions reported. Additionally, they dissolve naturally over time so there is no need to manually remove them after treatment.

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What PDO Threading Can Treat

PDO threads can be used to treat a variety of cosmetic and medical issues including wrinkles, fine lines, scars (including acne scars), sagging skin, crepey skin, dark circles under the eyes and hyperpigmentation. Additionally, PDO threads can help improve overall skin texture, boost collagen production for younger-looking results and provide an instant lift to areas such as the brows and cheeks.

In some cases, patients may need multiple treatments depending on the severity of their condition. Additionally, combining PDO threads with other procedures such as Botox or dermal fillers can further enhance results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it generally take for PDO threads to settle?

    On average, PDO threads take two to three months to fully settle. During this period, the skin may appear red and slightly swollen. The skin should gradually return to its normal state within a couple of weeks. Even after the swelling has subsided, it can take several weeks or even months for visible results to be seen as collagen production continues and more lifting is achieved. For best results, most practitioners recommend patients receive one or two touch-up sessions every year in order to maintain their desired appearance. Additionally, it is important for patients to follow all post-treatment instructions given by their practitioner to achieve optimal results.

  • Are PDO thread treatments painless?

    PDO thread treatments are generally not painful. However, some patients may experience minor discomfort or a mild burning sensation during the procedure. To reduce discomfort, the area is numbed with topical anaesthetic prior to treatment. The thin nature of the threads makes them easy to insert. After the procedure, you can expect some slight redness and swelling in the treated area; this should dissipate within a few hours or days after your treatment session.

  • Can a PDO thread treatment be used to correct jowls?

    Yes, PDO thread treatments can be used to correct jowls. This facial rejuvenation treatment involves placing tiny threads underneath the skin to lift sagging tissues and create a more youthful contour. The procedure is minimally invasive and has minimal downtime, making it an appealing option for those looking to address their jowls without surgery.

Find Out More
  • Thread Lifting Procedure On The Woman Face — Jina Robinson Skin-Cos-Medix In Albion Park NSW

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